
Rheinbruckstrabe - Germany

The animated Rheinbruckstrasse is framed by old middle-class houses of which some date bak to the 17th century.  A special object of interest might be the Marrenbrunnen (fool's fountain) that has been donated from the local carnival society.   This artwork by sculpture Leonhard Eder illustrates a group of traditional carnival figures made of Jurassic limestone:   the Romer, the Siechenmannle, the Maisenharddtjoggele and the Huuler.   The route continues through dreamy corners, only a few metres away from the Rheinbruckstrasse (Fabrikgasse) and leads to the house "Fuchshole" (fox cave) embedded in a fully green surrounding.

Built in 1522, the house at the corner Rheinbruckstrabe / Wernergasse with its nearly painted polygon oriel was destroyed by a fire in the 18th century.  It has been restored according to the original plans.
The Rossle fountain has also been restored according to old pictures.   Along the way to the 400-year-old wood bridge you will pass by the rococo house with stucco work and a portrait of the Virgin Mary dating back to approximately 1760.  You will also pass by the Hallwyler Hof, a noble building of Teutonic order knights, built around 1600 and inhabited from 1850 until 1851 by the most famous son of Bad Sackingen, the poet Joseph Victor von Scheffel.

The cathedral square; thorough a narrow passage close to the Narrenbrunnen you will reach the cathedral or market place which is framed by a Baroque cathedral facade and venerable houses.  One
of the most remarkable houses of the Old Town is definitively the " Fuchshohle" (Fox cave) .
Although built in the 16th century, the mural paintings were not finished until 1904, after the motive of Joseph Victor von Scheffel


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