
Must see in Freiburg - Germany

 1.   Altes Rathaus   - Old Town Hall
 2.   Neues Rathaus  - New Town Hall
 3.   Martinskirche   - St Martin's Church
 4.  Haus zum Walfisch  - The whale house
 5   Basler Hof  - Regional council
 6.  Munster - Cathedral
 7.  Historisches Kaufhaus - Historical merchants' hall
 8.  Erzbischofliches  Palais - Archiepiscopal palace
 9.  Wentzingerhaus  - Residence on the Beautiful Corner
10.  Alte Wache  - with its yellow facade invites you to taste numerous wines from Freiburg
11.   Erzbischofliches Ordinariat -  Archbishop's ordinariate
12.  Schwabentor  - Swabian gate
13.  Zum Roten Baren - Germany's oldest inn
14.  Augustinermuseum  - the most beautiful museum
15.  Martinstar - Martin's gate
16.  Bertoldsbrunnen - the hub of local public transport
17.  Alte Universitat -  Old university
18.  Uniseum - University's museum
19.  Universitatskirche   - University church
20.  Universitatsbibliothek - university library
21.  Theater Freiburg -  Black Abbey
22.  Colombischlossle  -  the villa built for Countess de Zea Bermudez Y Colombi in 1859-61
23.  Fasnetmuseum  - Carnival museum
24.   Gerichtslaube  - Old court house since 1547

Tourist Information Freiburg
Rathausplatz 2 - 4
79098 Freiburg

Tel:   +49 7613881 880




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