Kiltartan Gregory Museum - Co Galway, Ireland
An award winning museum, originally an old schoolhouse built on the instructions of Sir William Gregory, including works of Lady Gregory,Yeats, local history, artefacts, photos and memorabilla. The museum specialises in local lore and includes an old Irish classroom which has proved invariably
popular with visitors. Ideal location for presenting Strands of the Primary School Curriculum. The warm friendly atmosphere is invariably appreciated by visitors.
Open: Weekdays, 11.00 - 17.00, Sun 13.00 - 17.00, Jun-Aug;
Daily, May & Sep, Sun only 13.00 - 17.00 Other times by appointment
Kiltartan Gregory Museum
Kiltartan Cross Gort,
Co Galway
Tel: 091 632346 / 631069