Jarna Centrum - Sweden
The World's Smallest Metropolis
Three minutes from the E4, Jarna town centre welcomes you with shopping and food for all the family. Jarna was an important trade centre as far back as the Viking Age, and the spirit of enterprise, diversity and creative collaboration still flourishes today.
You'll find the best organic bread, the tastiest buns and lattes, food, health foods and raw food, clothes, toys art, handcrafts, flowers and gifts, for large and small.
Here small traders intermingle with young people, artists with eco - farmers, bakers, golfers and hippies with people doing sports.
The region offers the Sormland Trail's most beautiful paths, rune stones in the fields and Yngem, Sweden's cleanest lake, just outside the town.
I Sammarbete Med
Jarna NYA Foretagarforenng
Jarna Vedugnsbageri
Asgatan 2,
Tel: 010 741 73 40
Web: www.jarnavedugnsbagen.se
Web: www.jnff.se
At this centre :
COOP Konsum - Lowens veg 2, Tel: 010 741 73 40 www.coop.se
KONDITORI - Konditori Lilla Marang - Storgatan 3. Tel: 08 551 733 40 www.lillamarang.se
REKO- Reko Ekologisk Mat Och Halsa - Storgatan 6. Tel: 08 551 705 45 www.rekologiska.se
LAVENDEL - Lekbutik Lavendel - Storgatan 9. Tel: 08 551 716 54 www.lekbutklavendel.se
SOLIUS- Solius Butik Ulkdader, silkesmossor m.m Hagagatan, 26, Tel: 08 551 785 84
CREPERIET- Creperiet Soppkultur. Bergsgatan 2. Tel: 072 046 91 24 F Creperiet pa' Soppkultur
GRONA OASEN RAWFOOD, Storgatan 9 Tel: 070 777 69 67 www.gronaoasen.se