Visit Nynashamn - Stockholm, Sweden
How can I get to Nynashamn from Arlanda Airport?
You can either take the commuter train (1 hour & 56 minutes, one change) or a taxi. The distance between Arlanda Airport and Nynashamn is about 100 km.
How can I get to Nynashamn from Skavsta Airport?
Take the airport coach to Stockholm (80 minutes) and then change to the commuter train.
How often does the commuter train (SL) run between Stockholm Central Station and Nynashamn station ?
Twice per hour. From Stockholm 4 and 34 minutes past every hour. From Nynashamn 20 and 50 minutes past every hour
Ask the staff at the Tourist Information office for exact times.
How long is the train ride?
1 hour and 6 minutes. The train goes directly from Stockholm to Nynashamn (no change of train required.
Are SL's tickets and the Stockholm Card valid for journeys to and in Nynashamn?
Where can I buy SL tickets for the train and the Stockholm Card.?
tickets for the train are available to buy at the Nynashamn kiosk at Nynashamn station. The Stockholm Card can be bought at the Tourist Information Office.
Where can i get a taxi?
Recommended companies:
Taxi Haninge Nynas Tel. +46 8-520 111 11
Taxi Kurir Tel: +46 8-30 00 00 and
Taxi 020 Tel: +46 20 20 20 20
We advise that you ask for a fixed price. The staff at the tourist information office can make a reservation.
Where can I rent a car?
There are AVIS and MABI car rental stations in Nynashamn.The petrol station OKQB also has a car
rental service. Contact the Tourist Information office for more information and help to book.
How long does it take to drive from Stockholm to Nynashamn?
From the Globe it takes approx30 minutes.
How do I exchange money?
You can withdraw Swedish currency from the ATMs in town. The Nordea bank can exchange money. (Open weekdays 10am - noon) We advise you to where possible use your credit card.
Where can I withdraw money?
There are several cash machines along Centralgaton in the centre of Nynashamn, on Nynasvagen and in the centre of OSMO (you can almost always pay by card)
How do I get around in Nynashamn?
In the town you can cycle, walk or take the local bus (SL) The easiest way is by car, but to travel around the municipality is by car, but there are also local buses (SL)
Where can I find a toilet?
With a five-crown coin you can use the three public toilets in Fiskehaman (The Fishing Harbour) and the one of fredstorget in the centre of Nynashamn.
Where can I use the Internet?
There is a WI FI zone at Tryfleffabriken by Malmtorrget in the northern part of town. There are also
computers at the Tourist Information office and the library that are free to use.
I need medical care
Nynashamn Vardcentral Nynashamn hospital, Idunvagen 1, Nynashamn Tel: +46 120 664 00
Nynasakuten, Lavlundsvagen 5, Nynashamn Tel: +46 8 520 201 80
Huslakarmattagning, Bryggargatan 10 Nynashamn Tel: +46 6 520 10 110