
Sanctuary of Torreciudad - Huesca

The Sanctuary of Torreciudad is located near the city of barbastro in the Province of Huesca, its privilege location on the top of a mount makes this unique place a perfect natural environment with great panoramic views over " Lake Grado".

This modern sanctuary was placed  just a few meters  away from the old shrine (origin of the devotion to Virgin of Torrecciudad around the 11th century). The name of Torreciudad (Turris Civitatis in the old times) comes from an old surveillance tower from the Arabic Times and which remains can be found not far from the mentioned shrine.

Torreciudad ids today a meeting and pilgrimage point for thousands of people and it is one of the most visited places in the pyrenees.

All the activities that take place are concentrated in the cult and veneration to the virgin, since the beginning, groups and families play a key role in the day to day life of the sanctuary, it is known as the sanctuary of the families.

Sanctuary of Torreciudad
Vistors Service
22391 - Torreciudad (Huescal

Tel:   (00 34) 974 30 40 25
Fax:  (00 34) 974 30 40 07



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