Laterza - Italy
1 Cantina Spagnola -Audioguida
The Spanish Wine Cellar
Via San Pietro
Open: 9am-1pm /5pm -10pm
Tour Centre
Tel: 099 219 24 75
2 Chiese Rupestri
The Rupestrian Churches
S. Vito
The Church of S. Vito
Contrada San Vito
3 Madonna Delle Grazie
The Church Of Madonna Delle Grazie
Contrada Candelora
4 S. Carlo-Contrada
The Church Of S. Carlo La Vezza
Guided tours upon reservation
Open: 9am - 1pm/5pm-8pm
Tel: 099 219 24 75
Tel: .347 826 68 69
5 Cristo Giudice
The Church of Cristo Giudice
Via Panettieri
Guided Tour upon reservation
Open : 9am - 1pm/55pm-8pm
Tel: 099 219 24 75