Einsieden Walking guide to town - Switzerland
Bahnhofplatz - Before the first steam train arrived in Einsieden in 1877, pilgrims had to cross a number of small and big mountain to reach their destination. In front of the station the Patron Saint Of Einsieden, St Meinrad, greets both guests and locals to the Monastery's town
Dorfplatz - Today's town square, previously known as Orphanage Square, is an important intersection. In the 14th century a hospital for visiting pilgrims stood in what is now the town centre. This building later was used as a home for the poor as well as an
Sternenplatz - The House of the Stars, which lends its name to the Square, was reported in 1539 giving special mention to its baths. Public baths existed in Einsieden up until the late
19th century. In connection with water: this is also where the development of Switzerland's man-made reservoir with the greatest surface area - Lake Sihl - is presented.
Hechtplatz - The area in front of Pike House is not actually a square in the true sense of the word,
even though it is traditionally and locally known as such. During Einsieden's Carnival
several hundred <Mutschli> (small white bread loaves) are thrown from this point to
the public by local historical carnival figures, Mummerie, Johee and Horelibajass. In
the past the bread was a welcomed addition to the limited menu of the day, while today
it's simply a popular carnival tradition.
This tour of discovery introduces both the old and new Einsieden and two ravens, the town's heraldic animals, accompany you along the walk.
Seven placards (Stelen) placed along the walk provide information about important squares, buildings or people. On the front side of the signs basic details are provided, while on the back side more information is given along with illustrations
The tour takes about 60 min to complete and can be started at any square.
Walking Guide to Town
Von Platz zu Platz
Einsieden Tourism
Haupstrasse 85
CH-8840 Einsieden
Tel: +41(0)55 418 44 88
Fax: +41(0)55 418 44 80
Email: info@einsieden.ch
Web: www.einsieden-tourismus.ch