
Sobrarbe and Ribagorza - Zaragoza, Spain

Locate yourself in the dawn of the X1 century, when master architects that came from lombardy started to install themselves in the old county of Ribagorza and Sobrarbe. they chose fairytale landscaspes of the Pyrenees as the framework for their creations in store. Little by little, the
Romanesque-Lombard art started to spread like wildfire in this key area for the birth of the Kingdom
of  Aragon.

A stone'd throw away from Graus, between the mountains of the Isbena Valley, in the middle of the 1X century, the Obarra Monastery was founded, which tturned into an important spiritual centre.
Nowadays, it struggles to keep standing next to the church of Santa Maria, of purest Lombard style, which dates from the first years of the X1 century. it has a basilical plan and three long naves. Its horizontality states that it is one of the most primitive Romanasque buildings. A few metres away, the chapel of San Pablo is already from the X11 century.

Aragon Tourism Office
Avda. Cesar Augusto, 25

T:   976 28 21 81



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