
Castles - Zaragoza, Spain

Castles, military and signal towers, fortresses, crenellated abbeys, palaces with defences, ramparts, strong houses.... more than 300 have been catalogued in the province of Zaragoza.

- The Iberian System

   Almost four kilometers of ramparts that date back to Medieval times twist and turn to defend the        Ciudad de los Corporales.  In the 16th Century the historian, Zurita, stressed that DAROCA was a
   "very principal place"

   Around the year 716, the Moslems fortified and enclave on the hills of Ravelin and Reloj, which        gave rise to al' at Ayyub, Catayud.

   The castle of MESONES DE ISUELA has a square ground plan, with six towers and a chapel with
    a Mudejar ceiling 14th century ashlar stone was placed to surprise the attackers of olden times and    the visitors pf today. It is a fortress that appears to be impregnable.

   In the castle where Papa Luna was born, in ILLUECA, a charming hotel has just been opened.

- The Moncayo

   Trasmoz has a magic castle,the place favoured by the most select 'Aragonese witches for their            witches' sabbath

   Lovers of ruins can come to BORJA to enjoy those of its castle. What remains today is of Islamic        origin "Zuleya" which can be translated as "the sad hour".

   A visit to the Cistercian MONASTERY OF VERUELA IN THE MONCAYO is a must.
   A small distance away is the PENAS HERRERA, where two inhospitable defences were
   erected in the 12th century.

- The Bajo Ebro

   The Salamanca Tower was constructed in CASPE during the last Carlist War.
   The elders of the place say that under the castle of MAELLA,  which looks down upon the lands of    the neighbouring Catalonia, underground labyrinths twist and turn, Smaller, but well-rehabilitated,
   is the castle of NONASPE, which already exicted in the 12th century and whic now houses the            town council.
   Leaving behind the Bajo ARAGON, THE GATEWAY to the Bajo Cinca, the Gothic castle of
   MEQUINENZA dominates and extensive area where the waters of the Cinca, Segre and Ebro
   rivers take on an important role.

- The Cinco Villas and the Alta Zaragoza

   The town of UNCASTILLO covers an area of 6,500 square meters and it probably dates back to
   Roman Times
   The 13th century fortress in SADABA looks like the typical fortress that we all used to imagine
   when we were little.
   SOS DEL REY CATOLICO - the town where King Ferdinand was born in 1452 - is  great natural
   CASTILISCAR CASTLE,the wailing of those executed can still be heard from time to time, echoes    of the past, proclaiming their pains and sorrows.
   At the foot of the mysterious Sant Domingo mountain range.

Tourist Information Zaragoza
Pza. de Espana, 2
50071 Zaragoza

Tel:   00 34 976 212 032
Fax:  00 34 976 232 611

Web:     http//





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