Frankie E Benny's - Cambridge, UK
The best of popular American food with traditional Italian dishes....
Couples and parties of friends out for good times and great food.
Frankie & Benny's
Open: Mon-Sat: 11am - 11pm; Sun 11 am - 10.30pm
Location: Cambridge Leisure Park, |Clifton Way, Cambridge, CB1 7DY T: 0844 683 1126
Towerfields, Kings Ripon Road, Huntingdon, PE29 7EG T: 0844 683 1127
Boongate Retail Park, Peterborough PE1, 5JA T: 0844 683 1128
Cygnet Park, Phorpres Way, Hampton, PE7, 8FD T: 0844 683 9724