"A pen When a woman finished her shopping, she went to the cashier to pay her bill. She began rummaging through her bag, as so many people do when they have a cheque to write. ""Do you need a pen?"" I asked, offering her mine. ""Yes, thank you,"" she replied. She took it, put it in her handbag and then paid in cash. ----- CentreTravel https://centretravel.blogspot.com " "Pinna Meta mara lest xiri tagħha, hija marret lill-kaxxier li tħallas kont tagħha. Hija bdiet rummaging permezz borża tagħha, kif tant nies jagħmlu meta jkollhom kontroll li tikteb. ""Għandek bżonn pinna?"" I talab, li joffru minjiera tagħha. ""Iva, grazie,"" hija wieġbet. Hija ħadet dan, poġġih fil-ħendbeg tagħha u mbagħad imħallsa fi flus kontanti. ----- CentreTravel https://centretravel.blogspot.com " "Ein Stift Wenn eine Frau ihren Einkauf beendet, ging sie an der Kasse ihre Rechnung zu bezahl...
Vacation is a time to be with friends or family. The spot selected for the vacation matters a lot. Your writing gives an idea to all.Try to come up with new ideas each and every time.
All the best for your business….!
Vacation is a time for relaxment. It’s a time to leave all sorts of tension back and enjoy the moment up to the full extent. Then comes the place or the spot selected for vacation. Your writing is very nice one. It provides an idea about Switzerland to everyone. Switzerland is a perfect place for enjoyment during vacation.