
The Castle of Torrechiara and Territory of Langhirano - Parma e Piancenza

 -  The Castle:   built between 1448 and 1460 by Pier Maria Rossi (Berceto, 1413 - Torrecchiara, 1482)
 -  Badia Benedettina di S. Maria della Neve ( Benedictine abbey of St. Mary of the snow)

Langhirano (18km to the south of Parma)

To be seen in the capital town:       Ham Museum of Parma
                                                     Palazzo Municipale (Town Hall)
                                                     "Faustino Tanara" Risorgimento Museum
                                                     Parochial Church of S. Maria Annunciata ( St. Mary Annunciated)
                                                     Beata Vergine del Canale (Blessed Virgin of the Canal)
                                                     Madonna del canale (Madonna of the Canal)
                                                     Oratory of the Assunta (Assumption)
In the surrounding villages:   Church of S. Michele Arcangelo (St Michael the Archangel)
                                           Castrignano the Parish and, in "La Valle" and "Costa"
In the Lower village:            Chiastrone the lower village with the ancient mill; in Cozzano the Parish and the
                                           Pine woods

The Castle is open all the year round.   Closing day Monday.
Castle Ticket Office:   tel/fax:   +39 0521 355255
Nb:   for tours with schoolchildren and group please inform in advance.

Tourist Information of Torrechiara
Strada Castello, 10
43010 Torrechiara - Parma

Tel:   +39 0521 355009
Fax:  +39 0521 355821


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