
Schaffhausen - 7, 8, 9

7.Zum Grossen Kafig - Vorstadt 43
This house has its name from the former <Kefigturm> (Cage Tower) which stood earlier in this spot.

8. Zu den Drei Konigen (1746) Platz 7
   Rich Rococo facade. Beautiful trapezoidal bay, 1746. In the windowtops of the 2nd story, the Three Kings
   from the left to the right.
9. Haus zum Ritter (14920 Vordergasse 65
   one of the most beautiful townhouse of Schaffhausen. Rebuilt in 1566 by the Knight hans von Waldkirch, who in 1568 - 70 directed the painting of the facade by the famous Schaffhausen  painter Tobis Stimmer. The most significant renaissance fresco north of the Alps. The original fresco newly and masterfully re-done in
1943 in the spirit of Tobias Stimmer by Carl Roesch


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