
Crossing the River Piave - Treviso, Italy

Crossing the River Piave is one of the most exciting moments of the entire track.
Besides the magnificent landscape which sweeps over the top of Cesen-Col Visentin, the whole of the left side of the river is characterised by waterways, brooks and springs with the typical flora and fauna of humid climes.
The area around Case Isabella di Bigolino is very interesting because it dates back to the Wurm Glacial Stage
(that began about 70,000years ago) when the flow of water coming from the north was stopped and formed a basin with sediments.
It was here that the remains of a mammoth and the craniums of two Megaloceros (extinct genus of a giant elk) were found.
Near to San Giovanni, beyond the Rio Teva, is the Basilica of the Madonna delle Grazie.
Tourist Office:  I.A.T. Treviso
                        Piazza Monte di Pietro, 8
Tel:   0422  547632
Fax:  0422  419092
Email:   iat.


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