Ernst Dick - Shopping Fashion, Bern, Switzerland
Founded over 100 years ago, this men's fashion house offers casual outfits as well as business wear by brands
such as Strellson and Gant. Tailor-made shirts can be ordered in the basement floor.
Ernst Dick
Aarbergergasse 1
Mo - Mi/Fr 9 - 18.30h, Do 9 - 20h, Sa 9 - 17h
Linien 3/5/9/12 Barenplatz
T: 031 311 53 21
such as Strellson and Gant. Tailor-made shirts can be ordered in the basement floor.
Ernst Dick
Aarbergergasse 1
Mo - Mi/Fr 9 - 18.30h, Do 9 - 20h, Sa 9 - 17h
Linien 3/5/9/12 Barenplatz
T: 031 311 53 21