
Showing posts from June, 2008


Maltese Bread Pudding

The Egg -Eating snake

"The Egg -Eating snake The egg-eating snake gulps eggs, cracks and rejects the shells. The boa constrictor coils round its prey, suffocating it. The camouflaged fishing snake seizes fish in its back-fanged jaws. ----- CentreTravel " "L-serp bajd -Eating L-serp li jieklu bajd gulps bajd, xquq u jirrifjuta l-qxur. Il-coils constrictor Boa jarrotondaw priża tiegħu, soffokanti dan. L-serp sajd camouflaged seizes ħut fil xedaq fanged lura tagħha. ----- CentreTravel " "Das Ei -Essengehen Schlange Die Ei-Essen Schlange schluckt Eier, Risse und lehnt die Schalen. Die Boa constrictor Spulen runden seine Beute, es erstickte. Die getarnte Fischer Schlange ergreift Fisch in dem Rücken Trug Kiefer. ----- CentreTravel " "鸡蛋-Eating蛇 鸡蛋吃蛇吞蛋,裂纹和拒绝炮弹。 蟒蛇线圈圆了它的猎物,令人窒息它。 伪装的钓鱼蛇抓住鱼在它的后面,毒牙爪。 ----- CentreTravel https://centretravel...

Saucy chicken casseroles-only 266calories per serve

"Saucy chicken casseroles-only 266calories per serve 4x115g chicken breast fillets 2 tsp oil 1 onion 120g finely chopped 1 clove garlic, crushed 425g tomatoes 1/4 tsp dried basil leaves 1/4 tsp dried oregano leaves 1/4 tsp sugar 1 tbsp grated parmesan cheese 1 tbsp breadcrumbs Topping: 15g butter 1 tbsp plain flour 3/4 cup skim milk 1/4 tsp dry mustard 1 egg, lightly beaten Poach, steam or microwave chicken until just tender, chop chicken. Heat oil in saucepan, add onion and garlic, stir constantly over heat until onion is soft. Stir in undrained, crushed tomatoes, herbs, and sugar , bring to the boil, reduce heat , simmer, uncovered, until mixture is thick; stir into chicken. Divide mixture into 4 oven-proof dishes spread evenly with topping Sprinkle with combined cheese and breadcrumbs. Bake in moderate oven for about 20 mins. or until cheese is lightly browned. Topping: Melt butter in saucepan, stir in flour, stir constantly ove...

The pilot whale

"The pilot whale The pilot whale or black fish is often seen in schools containing several hundreds. Itgrows to 8.5m in length and canweigh over 1000kg. It feeds mostly on squid. If frightened near a sloping shore a whale school may become stranded and die The three species of pilot whale are found in most oceans except the polar seas. They migrate between warm and cold waters depending on the season. Breeding takes place in warm waters. They have a life-span of about 50 years. . ----- CentreTravel " "-Balieni pilota Il balieni pilota jew ħut iswed huwa spiss meqjus fl-iskejjel li jkun fihom diversi mijiet. Itgrows li 8.5m fit-tul u canweigh fuq 1000kg. Hija feeds aktar fuq klamari. Jekk mbeżżgħin qrib ix-xatt immejjel skola balieni jistgħu jsiru stranded u jmutu It-tliet speċijiet ta 'balieni pilota jinstabu f'ħafna oċeani ħlief l-ibħra polari. Huma jemigraw bejn ibħra sħan u kiesħa skond l-i...

The naked mole rat

"The naked mole rat The naked mole rat is almost blind but is nevertheless perfectly adapted to its burrowing life in the deserts of eastern Africa. ----- CentreTravel " "-Far mole mikxufa -Far mole mikxufa huwa kważi għomja iżda madankollu perfettament adattata għall-ħajja tħaffir tagħha fil-deżerti tal-Afrika tal-Lvant. ----- CentreTravel " "Der Nacktmull Der Nacktmull ist fast blind, aber dennoch perfekt auf seine Wühlen Leben angepasst in den Wüsten Ostafrikas. ----- CentreTravel " "裸鼹鼠 裸鼹鼠几乎失明,但仍然完全适应其生活掘穴 非洲东部的沙漠。 ----- CentreTravel " "La rata topo desnuda La rata topo desnuda es casi ciego, pero sin embargo se adapta perfectamente a su vida de madriguera en los desiertos de África oriental. ----- CentreTravel " "न...

Grant's desert mole

"Grant's desert mole Grant's desert mole, from South Africa, is a golden mole. These resemble true moles but are not closely related. ----- CentreTravel " "mole deżert Għotja mole deżert Għotja, mill-Afrika t'Isfel, huwa mole tad-deheb. Dawn jixbħu moles vera imma mhumiex relatati mill-qrib. ----- CentreTravel " "Grants Wüste Maulwurf Grants Wüste Maulwurf, aus Südafrika, ist eine goldene Maulwurf. Diese ähneln wahre Mole sind aber nicht eng miteinander verwandt. ----- CentreTravel " "格兰特的沙漠摩尔 格兰特的沙漠摩尔,来自南非,是一个千载难逢的痣。 这些类似真正的痣,但关系并不密切。 ----- CentreTravel " "lunar del desierto de Grant lunar del desierto de Grant, de Sudáfrica, es un topo de oro. Estos se parecen verdaderos topos, pero no están estrechamente relacionados. ----- CentreTravel https://centre...

The American jack rabbit

"The American jack rabbit The American jack rabbit, so called, is actually a hare, and its huge ears are a clue to its correct classification. It squats in a scrape in the ground, whereas the true rabbit lives in a burrow. Young jack rabbits are born fully furred. ----- CentreTravel " "Il-jack fenek Amerikana L-fenek jack Amerikana, hekk imsejħa, fil-fatt huwa liebru, u l-widnejn enormi tagħha huma clue li korretta tagħha klassifikazzjoni. Hija squats fi jinbarax fl-art, filwaqt li l-ħajja fenek vera fi bejta. fniek jack żgħażagħ huma mwielda kompletament tajr. ----- CentreTravel " "Der amerikanische Steckfassungskaninchenzerhacker Die amerikanischen Steckfassungskaninchenzerhacker, so genannt, sind eigentlich ein Hase, und seine großen Ohren sind ein Hinweis auf den korrekten Einstufung. Es hockt in einem Kratzen im Boden, während die wahren Kaninchen leben in e...

Homemade Easy Chilled Gazpacho

"Homemade Easy Chilled Gazpacho For 4: 840g, peeled, seeded, chopped Cucumbers. 100g red pepper, chopped 80g onion, chopped 60g stick celery,chopped 1 small chilli, seeded, finely chopped 425g can tomatoes 1 clove garlic, crushed 1/3 cup French dressing 1 cup water 2 tbsp chopped parsley Blend or process all ingredients until finely chopped; refrigerate several hours. ----- CentreTravel " "Homemade Faċli Mkessaħ gazpacho Għal 4: 840g, imqaxxar, miżruha, Ħjar mqatta. 100g bżar aħmar, mqatta basla 80g, mqatta 60g stick karfus, imqatta 1 bżar aħmar żgħar, miżruha, mqatta 'b'mod fin 425g jista tadam 1 sinna tewm, imfarrak 1/3 tazza Franċiża dressing ilma 1 tazza 2 tursin tbsp mqatta Blend jew proċess ingredjenti kollha sakemm mqatta 'b'mod fin; diversi sigħat friġġ. ----- CentreTravel " "Selbst gemachter Leicht Gekühlte Gazpa...

Dream Flying joke

A friend came to the airport to see me off on holiday. While waiting for my flight to be called, I took a travel sickness tablet. As I walked the ramp, I turned to wave to my friend, who called out, "Have a good time, I hope the Pill works!"

History Lesson joke

My seven-year old granddaughter's school was holding an Open Day and he asked me to go with him. As we arrived at school, Daisy was eager for me to meet her friends. She introduced me to her friends and said, "This is my grandmother. She is 65 and still living.

History Lesson

History Lesson

Broccoli and chicken bake

"Broccoli and chicken bake 350g broccoli spears, trimmed 4 tbsp water salt 225g cooked chicken, cut into thin strips. Bechamel sauce: 1 small onion, peeled and halved 1 carrot, sliced 1 bay leaf 12 peppercorns few sprigs parsley 300ml milk 25g butter 25g plain flour ground pepper. Place broccoli spears in a shallow dish with water and salt. Cover and cook for 6 mins. Drain, then add chicken chicken and mix well. Place onion, carrot, bay leaf. peppercorns, parsley and milk. Cook for 10 mins until hot , strain. In another jug, place butter, stir in flour,salt and pepper. Gradually add strained milk, until smooth and thickened. Cover and cook for 3 to 4 mins. . ----- CentreTravel " "Brokkoli u tiġieġ bake lanez brokkoli 350g, mirqum ilma 4 tbsp melħ 225g imsajjar tiġieġ, maqtugħin fi strippi irqaq. zalza bechamel: 1 basla żgħar, imqaxxar u bin-nofs 1 zunnarija, imfellel we...

Homemade Barbecue Sauce

"Homemade Barbecue Sauce 1 small onion, grated 4 tbsp tomato puree' 150ml water 1 tbsp wine vinegar 1 tbsp Worcestershire sauce 2 tsp brown sugar salt and freshly ground pepper 2 tbsp redcurrant jelly Place all ingredients in a bowl and cook full for about 7 1/2 mins, stirring three times during cooking in microwave. This sauce is delicious served with pork or lamb dishes. Makes about 200 ml. ----- CentreTravel " "Zalza Barbecue homemade 1 basla żgħar, maħkuk 4 tbsp purejiet tadam "" ilma 150ml ħall inbid 1 tbsp 1 tbsp Worcestershire sauce 2 Tsp zokkor ismar melħ u bżar friska art 2 tbsp redcurrant jelly Poġġi l-ingredjenti kollha fi skutella u sajjar sħiħa għal madwar 7 1/2 minuti, waqt li tħawwad tliet darbiet matul tisjir fil-microwave. Dan Zalza huwa Delicious notifikata bid majjal jew ħaruf dixxijiet. Jagħmel madwar 200 ml. ----- CentreTravel https://centretravel....

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