Aragon is one of the seventeen Autonomous Regions of Spain. It is located in the northeast of the Iberian Peninsula, equidistant of nearly everything and always close (only some seventy-five minutes from Madrid to Barcelona, thanks to the high speed train). With 47,724 square kilometers, this old kingdom, which once was once was one of the oldest nations of Europe, has more than 1,200,000 inhabitants nowadays. On the whole, tenacious people, as kind as warm, with a sarcastic humor and noble intentions. It will take your breath away, but Aragon is a land that breathes history. If you follow the thousand -year-old , marks, you will realize that, in this community of contrasts, Christians , Jewish and Muslims have lived together. Get ready because your adventure starts. - The Footprint of the Camino De Santiago In Aragon - Four Stages From Somport To Jaca Natural Beauty - From Jaca Arres Change Of Landscape - From Arres T...